
The institute

who are we ?

The technical and scientific institute for beekeeping and pollination (ITSAP-Bee Institute) acts for the development of beekeeping. We support professionals in the evolution of their systems towards greater sustainability and competitiveness, and collaborate with farmers to improve pollination and the preservation of the environment for the honey bee.

An association created in 2010, the members of the ITSAP-Bee Institute are beekeeping technical organizations and trade unions, or other organizations wishing to support the national development of beekeeping.

our expertise

Our expertise is recognized for production techniques, breeding, marketing and product quality.

Our development of novel solutions is based on:

    monitoring scientific and technical information,

    regular consultation with stakeholders in the beekeeping world,

    experimentation under real-world conditions,

    the coordination of observatories on techno-economic, health and environmental data,

    the design of decision-making tools for beekeepers.

An institute of applied research, we provide the interface between research, professionals and public authorities.


ITSAP-Bee Institute is governed by a Board of Directors on which sit representatives of regional beekeeping development associations and specialized groups, heads of agricultural development networks and inter-professional organizations. In charge of managing the day-to-day life of the Institute, the Executive Board is elected for three years from within the Board of Directors.

Its composition is as follows:


sylvain lafarge

Professional beekeeper, Vaucluse

Elected member to the Royal Jelly

Producers Group

Vice Predisent

Fabien Dubreuil

Professional beekeeper, Lozère / Elected

member of ADA Occitanie


Johann destombes

Professional beekeeper, Dordogne / Elected

member of ADA Nouvelle-Aquitaine


Jean Silvain

Professional beekeeper /

member of ADAGE

The Scientific and Technical Orientation Council (COST) helps administrators and the team in defining the Institute’s strategy and in implementing the program. COST is made up of engineers from plant and animal technical institutes as well as scientists from French (CNRS, INRAE, MNHN) or foreign (Agroscope, CARI) public research organizations, with a diversity of skills:

apidology, agronomy/forestry, pollination, ecology, veterinary medicine, economics, digital, organization of work...COST is chaired by Hélène Gross, project manager at ACTA in biodiversity and agroecology – head of the « Impact and Open Innovation » Center.

### « En accordant la démarche scientifique aux attentes, l’institut est un outil incontournable pour relever le défi de l'adaptation de l’apiculture aux changements globaux. »

who does what at ITSAP?

Alexandre Dangleant

Digital beekeeping referent / application development

Axel Decourtye

General director

Cécile Ferrus

Referent quality and valuation of hive products / sustainability of beekeeping operations

Saad Sebti

Referent innovation and valorization

Constance Beri

Project manager of the network of reference beekeeping exploitations / Techno-economic data analysis

Cyril Vidau

Specialist in ecotoxicology: reducing the impact of chemical stress on bee colonies

Fabrice Allier

Specialist in agroecology: improving colony health and honey production performance

Julie Fourrier

Project manager for experimental ecotoxicology: assessing the impact and risk of chemical stress

Julien Vallon

Specialist in bioaggressors: proposing and testing means of monitoring and treatment against Varroa, Vespa, and Aethina

Nathalie Savornin

Administrative and financial manager: financial and human resources monitoring of scientific and technical projects

Pierre Alban Rault

Project manager of digital projects and data analysis

Sophie Pointeau

Project manager of bioagressor

Estelle Bridoux

conducting a thesis on the influence of floral resources and landscape elements on the exposure of insect pollinators to pesticides

Héloïse Descotes-Genon

Hive Product Quality Project Leader

Damien Decante

Project manager

Sarah Moreau

Project manager

Ludivine Laffon

Project Manager

To contact us, here is our model email address:

activity report

Our annual activity report provides an overview of the the results of experimentation, expertise and research themes that serve the beekeeping industry.

How to help?

ITSAP defends and protects beekeeping and bees. Find out how you can support us in our research.

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