Our projects are at the interface between research and the field application of new solutions by beekeepers. In constant dialogue with the beekeepers, we represent a multidisciplinary source of knowledge and a set of innovations aimed at supporting them in their daily lives. Our results allow us to provide answers to societal questions and current challenges concerning beekeeping and pollination.

Let’s talk beekeeping!

Our missions


Inventory and improve knowledge about bees, beekeeping and pollination


Develop methods and tools for evaluating bee health, performance of beekeeping practices and systems


Identify solutions and evaluate them from a techno-economical viewpoint

transmit and communicate

Exercise our expertise alongside our partners, public authorities and regulatory bodies, shape and promote our results

Our tools

We design tools that help beekeepers make decisions to adapt to current economic, environmental and societal challenges. Our tools index the laboratories capable of analyzing matrices of the hive and its products, map the quality of the environment around the apiaries, describe Varroa infestation levels or the risks of chemical stress toxicity.

discover all our helpful beekeeping tools

Our upcoming


How to help?

ITSAP defends and protects beekeeping and bees. Find out how you can support us in our research.

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